The goal of this task is to create a DNN that will map an image from the Met’s collection to a seed for the MetGAN.
The purpose of this functionality will be to:
Allow the user to select an image in the collection graph & generate a new image based on that selection
(stretch) allow the user to initially select an image to explore around
For this task, we propose that we transfer learn a ResNet50 model with Keras in python.
Generate a large number of image-seeds (512 decimal vector), S, that spread the space of possible seeds
Use these seeds to generate art from the metGAN, G(S), which is a 512x512 image
Transfer learn the pre-loaded ResNet50 model in Keras
input image is generated G(S), labels are the corresponding generated seeds. To do this you can create a pandas dataframe of the existing images and seeds.
Add output layer to map the ResNet50, 2048 vector output to a 512 vector
loss function: L2-distance
Save this model
Use the saved model and deploy as an API (spec below)
Request URI
POST {Endpoint}/Image2Seed/
Request Body
Media Types: "application/octet-stream", "multipart/form-data"
Name | Type | Description |
Image |
Sample Response:
"seed": [0 0 0 0 0 … ]
You will likely use pandas and numpy datasets. Here’s a short tutorial, more are available online:
ResNet50 in Keras:
Transfer learning in Keras. See file here:
for development:
Do SGD on the weights in the seed-retrieval neural network to maximize the similarity metric between the BIGGAN output and input image. (Training set = MET Images.). Use L2 loss on the pixels + L2 loss on layer activations in AlexNet (or ResNet)